#### Hello World! Welcome to "Soch Much" my Digital Garden. Feel free to walk around, but please don't step on anything while you're here. ###### ***Why Soch Much?*** Well, soch (सोच) means to think (in Hindi). I tend to overthink (much) - hence 'soch much'. ###### *** What I post here? *** Most notes/posts here are a work in progress and represent thoughts/opinions that are probably always evolving as I learn more. ==If you're quoting anything on here, please check with me first.== ### Navigation This is always a work-in-progress. The sidebar includes folders but the way Obsdian publish works means there are no index pages, and they are always sorted by names. So, I have also collated some pages in this section. 👇 #### A list of pages/notes being periodically tracked / updated. ![[000 All Dataview publish pages]] #### A list of specific trackers ![[000 Trackers]]